Folk tale characters become superheroes at Wickenby theatre

Uchenna Dance presents 'Hansel and Gretel' EMN-190225-064736001Uchenna Dance presents 'Hansel and Gretel' EMN-190225-064736001
Uchenna Dance presents 'Hansel and Gretel' EMN-190225-064736001
A fun, noisy, contemporary family dance-theatre retelling of one of the oldest folk tales comes to the Broadbent Theatre at Wickenby this week.

Uchenna Dance cast Hansel and Gretel as superheroes for a modern world, ready to take on challenges that would have grown-ups quaking in their boots.

Be transported to a world far from yours - with some surprising similarities.

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Irresistibly funky music, energetic African traditional and contemporary dance, and a quirky sense of humour make this production a mad-cap pleasure for all ages to enjoy.

The performance of Hansel & Gretel will take place this Sunday, March 10, starting at 3pm.

Tickets cost £10, with concessions £9, and are available from the box office on 0300 400 0101 or via the website

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