Fire service launches new plan to protect Lincolnshire

Fire and Rescue.Fire and Rescue.
Fire and Rescue.
Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue is compiling its ‘community plan’ which looks at the main risks to lives, properties, infrastructure and the environment in Lincolnshire.

Chief Fire Officer, Les Britzman, said: “Our community plan is our commitment to our communities that as a top performing fire service, we will continue to focus on delivering a professional and innovative service, which is driven by our knowledge of the particular risks the county faces.”

Councillor Nick Worth, executive councillor for emergency services at the county council, said: “The tragedy at Grenfell Tower in 2017 and the Notre Dame fire in 2019 remind us of our critical role in protecting communities and the importance and implications of our decision making.

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“As well as knowing our risks, the plan shows how using our resources to the best effect, along with things like training, policies, engagement and prevention can help reduce or eliminate these risks.”

The key risks identified for the county are:

• house fires

• road accidents

• flooding and severe weather

• health and wellbeing

• non-domestic fires

• malicious acts and deliberate fires

With the additional risks of high rise buildings and heritage sites added for 2020 onwards.

Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue is now interested to hear feedback from Lincolnshire residents, community groups and organisations.

The community plan is available here with a brief online survey to complete.

• The survey will close at midnight on March 9.