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There is a new president and vice-president at the Mayflower Probus Club of BostonThere is a new president and vice-president at the Mayflower Probus Club of Boston
There is a new president and vice-president at the Mayflower Probus Club of Boston
The latest meeting of the Mayflower Probus Club of Boston saw David Ogden appointed as president, taking over from Trevor Dunnington.

Rob Goodale, meanwhile, was introduced as the new vice-president.

Trevor, David, and Rob are pictured (from left) above.

See below for a report from the meeting.


* Luncheon Club

Members of Boston and District Women’s Luncheon Club welcomed Pat Pomeroy to their October meeting for a PowerPoint presentation entitled Vanished Boston.

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Pat started by telling members of all the churches which had been pulled down over the centuries – St Aidan’s, St James, and Tin Tabernacle; also Zion and the Congregational. There is still an area of grass in High Street where St Aidan’s used to be, members heard.

Pat also told the club of all the shops and buildings which have been demolished over the years.

The presentation was enjoyed by all.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 6, when the speaker will be Dr Nigel Leach with a talk entitled Natural History of Christmas.

* Millennium Probus

The Millennium Probus Club was well-attended at its October meeting.

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After the luncheon, speaker Roy Hackford gave a presentation entitled Nostalgic Boston.

Members were shown photographs of events from the past, such as: the County Show in Boston in 1914, the restoration of the Stump bells, and the crew members of the Walrus who were captured by the Germans during the First World War and then released.

Every photograph recorded an item of interest historically or nostalgically, the club reported.

The next luncheon will be on Wednesday, November 7, at 12pm for a 12.30pm start.

* Mayflower Probus

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President Trevor Dunnington welcomed members of the The Mayflower Probus Club Of Boston to the October luncheon meeting at The Boston & County Club.

The meeting also incorporated the club’s 26th Annual General Meeting.

Before the official proceedings began, the president announced the rewarding of honorary membership to Derek Beckett for his 12 years’ service as the club’s outings organiser. This was warmly applauded by all.

Arnot Wilson, his successor, announced some of the outings planned for the future. This included an evening trip to Batemans Brewery on Thursday, November 15, and a visit to the Bubble Car Museum on Sunday, December 9.

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A four-night stay at a Warners Hotel on the Isle of Wight is planned for June 2019. Applications and deposits must be made to the organiser before Friday, October 26.

The president thanked Arnot for a successful day with the public blood pressure tests and eight people were identified as needing to see their doctor as soon as possible.

Before handing over the presidency to David Ogden, Trevor gave a special thank you to all the committee members and, in particular, to Alan Dunnett and his wife Kathleen for the hard work they put into organising Ladies’ Night and the informal Sunday lunches.

Thanks were extended to Julie and the County Club staff for their excellent services.

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To end the proceedings, the president went on to introduce Rob Goodale as the new vice-president and concluded the meeting with the Probus Toast.

The next meeting will take place on Thursday, November 8.


* Beetle drive

Des and Rene Curtis organised a successful and enjoyable beetle drive in Gosberton Baptist Church recently.

Des and Rene supplied and prepared the food for a delicious meal of cold meats, potatoes, cheese, celery, tomatoes and French loaf followed by raspberry roulade, coffee and mints.

Afterwards, all had fun at the drive which was won by – solo, Mavis Green, runner up, Don Crosby, lowest, the Rev Steve Weatherly-Barton; partners, highest, Alan and Yvonne Canham, and lowest, Bill Pordham and Wendy O’Brien.

There were many prizes in a raffle.

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Des thanked all who donated prizes and supported the event, and the Rev Steve Weatherly-Barton, at the beginning of the evening, thanked Des and Rene for their hard work and at the close gave a few words and the benediction.

* Quiz

There is a Halloween Quiz in the Gosberton Public Hall on Friday, October 26, at 7pm for a 7.30pm start.

Fancy dress is optional and there is a prize for the best costume.

There will be a raffle and pudding break.

Visitors to bring own drinks and glasses and snacks.

Entry is priced at £4.

Raffle prizes would be welcome.

For more information contact Rona Perry on 07935 906341 or [email protected]

* Harvest

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St Peter and St Paul’s Church, Gosberton, was beautifully decorated with fruit, flowers and corn dollies for its harvest celebrations on Sunday morning.

The guest preacher for the 11am harvest service was John Reddin from the South Holland Community Church in Spalding.

The Rev Ian Walters welcomed him and conducted the service, which was followed by a harvest lunch in the church hall, prepared by lots of volunteers who brought in food.

The main helpers serving the lunch and clearing up afterwards were Pat Walters, Debbie Reynolds, Judy Carrott helped by other church members.


* Coffee morning

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Gosberton Clough Methodists have a coffee morning at their church on Saturday, October 27, from 10am to noon.

All are welcome.

* Calendars

The Friends of St Gilbert and St Hugh are in the process of getting the 2019 calendars printed.

It is hoped that those who bought the 2018 calendar will purchase the latest one.

They are full of old photographs of the village and its people.

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Enquiries to Barbara Berridge on [email protected] or 01775 714918,


* Bingo

Prize bingo will be held in Stickford Community Centre on Monday, October 22.

Doors open at 6.45pm and play begins at 7.30pm.

Everyone is welcome to this small, friendly village bingo.

** Send your Neighbourhood News items to [email protected]