Rasen DCouncil's annual meeting - tonight in the Festival Hall

Market Rasen EMN-170305-160514001Market Rasen EMN-170305-160514001
Market Rasen EMN-170305-160514001
Market Rasen Town Council will be holding its Annual Council Meeting tonight (Wednesday May 3) '“ a week after the Annual Town Meeting.

As usual, members of the public will be welcome to attend this meeting.

Market Rasen’s next Mayor and Deputy Mayor will be elected at the beginning of this meeting.

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Following this, the meeting will adjourn for a maximum of 20 minutes to allow for public participation – which will include a report from the local area by Lincolnshire Police.

Members will also be appointed to lead projects and onto various committees which manage finances and projects in the town – such as the Festival Hall Steering Group and Finances and Facilities Committee.

The council will also resolve on setting a date for a Town Meeting – which will be open to the public – to discuss and review the car parking strategy in Market Rasen following the charges introduced by West Lindsey District Council earlier in the year.

The meeting will take place in the Committee Room of the Festival Hall at 7pm tonight (Wednesday).