In Pictures: Boston volunteers applauded for their community work at special Mayor's celebration evening

Outgoing Boston Mayor, Coun Anne Dorrian, talking to the volunteers at the Stump.Outgoing Boston Mayor, Coun Anne Dorrian, talking to the volunteers at the Stump.
Outgoing Boston Mayor, Coun Anne Dorrian, talking to the volunteers at the Stump.
More than 200 volunteers who give their time freely to improve communities in Boston have been celebrated at a special event.

​Boston’s outgoing mayor, Coun Anne Dorrian, hosted the ‘Celebration of Volunteers’ at the Stump on Thursday evening.

Coun Dorrian invited volunteers across the borough to recognise, honour and thank them for all they do in their local community.

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She gave a speech to the audience, concluding: “Volunteers don’t get paid - not because they’re worthless, but because they’re priceless.”

Gerry Ladds, Arthur Davey, Katie Epton and Lydia Epton, aged nine, of Willoughby Road Allotments.Gerry Ladds, Arthur Davey, Katie Epton and Lydia Epton, aged nine, of Willoughby Road Allotments.
Gerry Ladds, Arthur Davey, Katie Epton and Lydia Epton, aged nine, of Willoughby Road Allotments.

Members of various groups took the mic and shared their experience of being a volunteer, what it means to them and the value their work brings to their community.

Voluntary groups present on the night included: LIVES first responders, Community Support Group, Wyberton Wombles, Boston Mencap Gateway Club, The Butterfly Hospice, Willoughby Road Allotments, Boston U3A, Boston Book Festival and more.

Patsie Marson from Community Support Group, said: “It was amazing to be surrounded by so many kind people who give up their time to help others within our lovely community.”

A spokesperson for Boston Borough Council said: “It was very well attended and people thoroughly enjoyed being there with many comments made that it should become an annual event.”