Jury set to retire in trial of man accused of killing Boston woman Ilona Golabek

The victim Ilona Golabek (inset) and Witham Way Country Park, where her remains were found (main image).The victim Ilona Golabek (inset) and Witham Way Country Park, where her remains were found (main image).
The victim Ilona Golabek (inset) and Witham Way Country Park, where her remains were found (main image).
A murder trial jury considering the death of Boston woman Ilona Golabek have been warned to put aside all sympathy and emotion when they consider their verdict.

Kamil Ranoszek, 42, has spent three weeks on trial at Lincoln Crown Court and denies murdering Miss Golabek.

The prosecution allege Ranoszek beat his long term partner to death at their Wormgate flat shortly after 11pm on November 9.

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They claim Ranoszek then cut up her body and disposed of some body parts in Witham Way Country Park.

However Ranoszek, giving evidence, denied carrying out the attack in a jealous rage after discovering Miss Golabek was contacting another man on the dating application Tinder.

Ranoszek told the jury he went to bed after returning home at 11pm and Miss Golabek had vanished when he got up for work at 2.20am.

The trial judge, Judge Simon Hirst, warned the jury: "You may feel sympathy for many different people in this case, but please put all sympathy and emotions aside."

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Judge Hirst said there was no direct evidence of Ranoszek committing the killing, such as an eyewitness account or confession on his part.

He explained the prosecution case relied on circumstantial evidence such as the presence of Ilona Golabek's blood and blood stained clothing in 26a Wormgate, and the events of 9/10 November.

Judge Hirst reminded the jury that Ranoszek was of previous good character, and said the defence case was that taking the evidence as a whole they could not be sure of his guilt, and said the defence also cautioned against cell site evidence.

Judge Hirst told the jury: "The central question in this case is whether you are sure Kamil Ranoszek killed Ilona Golabek."

The jury are expected to retire to begin considering their verdict on Wednesday.

The trial continues.