Bassetlaw: John Mann MP calls for Wanless report to be made available

John Mann MP has called on the Home Secretary, Theresa May, to make the Wanless report available to be scrutinised by Parliament.

The Bassetlaw MP wrote two questions to the Home Office asking if and when the review would be released to MPs.

The report was announced in July and covers allegations that the Home Office failed to act on allegations of child sex abuse contained in a dosser compiled by former Tory MP Geoffrey Dickens.

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John Mann said: β€œTheresa May has now received the Wanless report and I am calling on her to make the report available to Parliament.”

β€œThe scale of historic child abuse and how it has been covered up is shocking. I have been working with journalists and other sources to uncover the truth. The report is an important part of that and elected Members of Parliament should now be able to review it and continue working to help the victims achieve justice.”