More people seek mental health support in Lincolnshire

EMABRGOED TO 1600 THURSDAY APRIL 22 PICTURE POSED BY MODEL. File photo dated 31/07/14 of a woman showing signs of depression. There is an "urgent" need for research to help find the best way for people to stop using antidepressants, academics have said. Issue date: Thursday April 22, 2021.EMABRGOED TO 1600 THURSDAY APRIL 22 PICTURE POSED BY MODEL. File photo dated 31/07/14 of a woman showing signs of depression. There is an "urgent" need for research to help find the best way for people to stop using antidepressants, academics have said. Issue date: Thursday April 22, 2021.
EMABRGOED TO 1600 THURSDAY APRIL 22 PICTURE POSED BY MODEL. File photo dated 31/07/14 of a woman showing signs of depression. There is an "urgent" need for research to help find the best way for people to stop using antidepressants, academics have said. Issue date: Thursday April 22, 2021.
More people were using NHS mental health services across Lincolnshire in July than at the same point last summer, figures show.

More people were using NHS mental health services across Lincolnshire in July than at the same point last summer, figures show.

Mental health charity Mind is calling for the Government to prioritise mental health, after figures showed a significant rise in the number of people receiving help across England in the last year.

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NHS Digital figures show around 15,710 people were in contact with mental health services in the NHS Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group area at the end of July.

This was an increase of 11% from 14,165 at the same point last year, though it was fewer than the 15,725 at the end of June.

Across England, 1.44 million people were in contact with mental health services at the end of July.

Though down slightly from 1.46 million a month previously, this was a rise of 9% compared to the same month a year before.

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It was also the highest figure for the month of July since comparable records began in 2016.

Leila Reyburn, policy and campaigns manager at Mind, said: "These figures demonstrate just how many of us are struggling with our mental health as we emerge from the pandemic.

"The Government must make sure significant investment is given to mental health services from the £5.5 billion it has committed to the NHS.

"Even before the pandemic, mental health services were playing catch up after decades of underfunding; now is the time for decision makers to put their money where their mouths are and prioritise the mental health of the nation."

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